Qinping Tan | MGDIS member

Qinping Tan

He is an assistant professor in the IGCAS. He obtains his PhD Degree from IGCAS in 2015. He completes his post-doctoral fellowship in Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences and IGCAS between 2015 and 2019. His research focuses on metallogenic and prospecting methods of Carlin-type gold deposits. He has established the migration channel of ore-forming fluid and applied mineral (calcite) trace elements in mineral exploration of Guizhou Carlin-type gold deposits. He has hosted two projects from NSF of China and Science and Technology Foundation of Guizhou Province and published more than 10 peer-reviewed papers.



E-mail: tanqinping@mail.gyig.ac.cn



Qinping Tan | MGDIS member

Qinping Tan | MGDIS member

He is responsible for data management

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